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Engames board game studio








Imizu City, Toyama.
A plan for an office space for producing, selling, and playing board games by renovated warehouse.
We planned an office space for producing original board games, a sales space, a play space, and a stock space for online shop, all of which are seamless divided, to create a space where you can feel a sense of unity and an overwhelming amount of goods.

The stock space is divided by low-cost partitions that use LGS, which is originally used as a base material for walls, and have an industrial feel.

When I encountered board games sold all over the world, I was impressed by the quality of the packaging.

We intended interior design details disappear, and the packaging design becomes the focus.

This warehouse space is on the third floor, and Lower floor are shared space with the building owner, we needed to direct people to the third floor with minimal interaction. The floor has graphics that game board and icons familiar to fans, and you can also enjoy access to the third floor.

The board game market is a large market in world, but the market in Japan has yet to expand.

I hope that Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture, will become a sacred place for board games, and that the culture of board games will spread from here all over the world.

U  :オフィス
S  :富山県射水市
D  :2024.3
A  :studioSHUWARI 種昻哲 北野るりこ
C  :Re.memberZ 吉村大将 住建みやざき 杉本虎多朗

CO:家具製作 白山木工製作所
P   :tololo studio 谷川ヒロシ

凡例 U:USE/用途 S:SITE/場所 D:DATE/完成日 SC:SCALE/規模 A:Architect/意匠設計 SD:Structure Design/構造デザイン PP:Planting Plan/植栽計画 LP:Lighting Plan/照明計画 LD:Landscape Design/ランドスケープデザイン AD:Art Director/アートディレクター C:Constructor/施工会社 P:Photo/写真 CO:Collaboration/協力

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